Design requires input from every aspect of society through practices and experiences. As a designer I want to create empowering and considered work that aligns with what I believe is important.
A festival ran by Yulli’s Brewing Co. and Bonza Records is the fourth of its kind and has live music, arts and craftists stalls running from early afternoon into the late night. I wanted to merge the typography and graphic cohesively and playfully while capturing the mood of what you may experience at the event.
"Existing Is Easy" is an A5 publication that incorporates 3 talks that explore and acknowledge the positive contribution creativity and spirituality has on on mental health, well being and recovery. Through this we can create a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves by looking within and understanding who we are, while also figuring out the greater answer of how we fit in to the rest of the world after our lives have been interrupted.
Kynd is a plastic-free, vegan and biodegradable chewing gum. They are committed to natural ingredients, delicious taste, and beautiful packaging. It is a kinder alternative for you and the planet.
Belvoir is an established and well-known company located in Surry Hills. I created a series of posters and a publication booklet for the years program.