Graphic design allows me to share my creativity with the world. Design has always been a part of my life, but it was in high school that passion began to take form. Now as I further my journey, I have learnt that to be a great graphic designer, it takes hard work and a desire to learn and grow. A task I am completely committed to.
Fiore is a lifestyle gardening magazine for women who enjoy simple and stylish home decor without the clutter. The design takes a minimalistic approach using white space and simple accents of colour, in this way the magazine is set apart from the rest of the market.
Rebranding for Belvoir St Theatre, consisting of two dynamic logos for the Upstairs and Downstairs theatres, posters, and a season program. The logos were inspired by the brick of the building and the idea of going up and down stairs. The posters on the other hand use a more individualistic scheme to distinguish them from each other while keeping them as part of the season.
Skin Deep Beauty is a skincare brand that focuses on embracing imperfections while keeping the skin glowing and looking beautiful. The aim of this design was to convey the idea of naturality through earth tones, and sophistication through the san-serif typography.
The Menopause Index is an app created to provide those going through menopause a platform to get direct information and connect with others in the same position. In collaboration with Liana Pinna-Cartwright, Ellen Lewis, Max Dona and Kate Purnell.