Branding • Packaging
ARK is an architecture magazine and feature article pages. ARK aims to bring their viewers inspiration and explore new architecture trends. This project has a focus on typography and layout design in a magazine context.
This project is to design a vinyl record cover for an artist or a band. So I chose one of my favorite bands, Lany, for a remastering of their vinyl album cover.
The brief is to elevate the packaging for Glad garbage bags. In order to reduce the use of plastic and make the packaging itself more sustainable, I decided to recycle paper, making the whole packaging compostable.
Fast fashion is widely considered to be low-quality apparel produced rapidly to follow current trends in the industry and sold at rock-bottom prices. I decided to create outdoor posters and a campaign to raise awareness by stopping buying clothes for 30 days.
This project is to create an extended series poster from the chosen word. Natter: to talk continuously for a long time without any particular purpose. So I created a mental health coalition poster. The meaning of the word is non-stop; it connects with the hotline that is always available.